Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Easy Applesauce Muffins for Thanksgiving

Applesauce Muffins by Digital Heather
Applesauce Muffins, a photo by Digital Heather on Flickr.

I made some of these babies yesterday in between crafts and the batch is just about gone. I dare you to try and eat just one. The indulging starts when you're measuring out the delicious cinnamon applesauce. You have to eat at least a few spoonfuls just because. Then when they're baking, your kitchen and entire house smell out of this world. Then you have to eat a warm one as soon as it comes out of the oven. Then you need to eat one with yummy real butter. THEN you've had a taste for blood and you simply can't stop yourself. I'm probably going to end up making these two more times before Thanksgiving and then a double batch for Thanksgiving guests. Have you ever baked with applesauce? Click here for my full recipe and instructions.

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  1. Those look so good and will be making these.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Jeannie! I keep meaning to ask you... do you have a blog or Etsy store that I can folow, or just on Flickr? I just love your creations.

  2. So yummy and perfect for fall. These muffins will be great for breakfast on the Thanksgiving weekend. Thanks for posting :)

    1. Thanks Donna! I'm glad you stopped by. I'm probably going to have gained 15 pounds by the end of Thanksgiving weekend ;)
