Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Halloween China Cabinet

Halloween China Cabinet by Digital Heather
Halloween China Cabinet, a photo by Digital Heather on Flickr.
This year, I decided to wrangle all of my Halloween decor into one eye-pleasing catch-all. Check it out!

This is our first Halloween in the Buckeye house, which is smaller than our last home. We bought this China cabinet on Facebook for $50 back in February for extra storage space for our dishes. Even though it's just me and my husband, we have a lot of dishes. I'm a sucker for adorable and gorgeous dishes. This is what the cabinet would look like on any random day of the week. You can also check out what it used to look like, pre-makeover. Even though this cabinet is a necessity in our small kitchen, I also didn't have a lot of extra room for Halloween decorations. I bit the bullet, stored what I could away for the month, and filled the cabinet with Halloween! I love how it looks, but I don't think I'll be doing this for any other holidays-- but who knows ;)

I found these cute little spider rings at Target and slipped a pair on my candlesticks. They're traditional spider rings with a gem hot-glued on. I'll take these off prior to burning the candles of course :)

My chandelier always photo-bombs the lovely scroll work at the top of the cabinet, so I wanted to capture and share that. I love how the details pop differently from light and shadows throughout the day. This is the last pic before I turned on the interior cabinet light.

This sparkly crow pumpkin is my most favorite. I had a lot of fun putting it together last Halloween and you can click here for the tutorial.

I'm so attracted to acorns-- probably because I've lived in a desert my entire life. I love to keep these out until the end of November. I borrow my apothecary jars from other parts of the house where they house year-round decor. Come Christmas-time, I'll fill them with something else festive.

The green pumpkin came from Michael's, I think, last or two Halloweens ago. You can easily make your own with sequin embellishments, though. I had a coupon to use when I got this, so I couldn't pass it up. The little pumpkin I did myself with dollar store pumpkins and self-stick mustaches from the dollar bins at Target. I just got that mummy mug the other night at our neighborhood Fry's and I haven't even had a chance to use him yet. In the back is a skeleton candy dish from Target (2 or 3 Halloweens ago) and the owl trivet is from World Market and still available.

I love this simple little skeleton guy. I also love that Michael's is carrying them again this year. I saw a gorgeous, hand-painted day of the dead skeleton at World Market, similar to this guy, and decided to save my money and just paint my own. I'll share that when it happens :P You can see my bottle shelves behind him.

This was the first faux pumpkin I ever carved (4 years ago, wow!). I affectionately call her my Sugar-Skull-o-Lantern. You can read about how I made her by clicking here and see pictures of her lit up here.

I love my skeleton specimen jar! I have to disassemble him to get him in there but it all works out. That jar is usually in my Bioshock bathroom full of seashells that I've collected from California, New York, and Florida beaches. You can check out my gumdrop tree tutorial here (also includes my Christmas version).

I wish I could remember where that cat came from! Sorry. The candy jar that looks hauntingly vintage, isn't. It came from K-mart in 2011 for my wedding candy buffet.

This is totally an outdoor sign but I don't have a cute front-yard garden anymore so he's staying inside-- for now. Which is why I haven't removed the stake just yet. Too much permanence!!

Happy almost Halloween! Only eight more days! Are all of your decorations up? How will you be celebrating??


  1. I love you little white pumpkin with the bird and your spooky ghost. Such a nice job you did on your cabinet.

  2. Oh my gosh, that is a total amount of work! Well executed!!
    You are so creative!

  3. Looks amazing! I love the lace accents mixed with all your spooky decor! You should keep it on display all year long :)

    1. Thanks, Donna! I've always wanted a full-time kooky cabinet full of curiosities-- a perfect home for that conjoined doll project but my precious dishes are haphazardly stuck random places and I'm so nervous something is going to break. Just might have to get a second cabinet ;)
